Article 2 Section 4 of The Constitution of the United States

By | December 2, 2019

Contains the 4 lines regarding the impeachment of the President, Vice President, and other civil officers of the United States.It was written and included into the original document when the framers reached a consensus that is was important to protect the country against unlawful acts committed by these public officials.Like most of us, even the… Read More »

Assessment of Mental Ability

By | December 2, 2019

Feedback on our recent article, “Hey Joe”, November 25, brought to our attention that many of our followers are not aware of our ability to medically assess a person’s mental abilities.Used most often in the evaluation of dementia patients, specially trained individuals can perform an in-depth evaluation of “higher level” brain function, including the ability… Read More »


By | November 25, 2019

The president’s actions were impeachable under the Constitution.If the Democrats leave us high and dry again in the face of obvious evidence of the President’s malevolent and dangerous behavior, and he gets re-elected, the only recourse left to the people is to take to the streets for peaceful demonstrations.Disgusting malpractice by our elected officials, in… Read More »

Hey Joe

By | November 25, 2019

It seems the majority of Americans would vote for you to be our next president. So please make all your medical and mental status records available to us now. This would be most helpful because many interpret your charming style and ability to debate as a reason to question your mental vitality and thus your… Read More »

Time to Enforce the Law

By | November 21, 2019

The evidence is overwhelming now that the President is guilty of impeachable self directed actions.Congress must now show its resolve to the American people by working over the Thanksgiving holiday.And, if necessary, jailing those individuals who refuse to come and provide testimony as required.All of us were disappointed at the end of the Mueller investigation… Read More »

I Missed All This

By | November 16, 2019

When did this happen?? Since when is Russia not our adversary? Since when did we lose respect for American patriots who kept us safe? Since when did we believe bin fide liars with significant mental illness over professionals who strive to tell the truth? Since when did money dictate our actions, and it did not… Read More »

Seeing the Forest from the Trees on Impeachment

By | November 13, 2019

I usually ask my new medical students on their first day in my office whether they are details oriented or big picture thinkers? They are always surprised by the question but after a moment they reply, “well actually both”. I have come to expect that answer, and then say “good”, because practicing Medicine requires you… Read More »

Donald Trump “Mirror Man”

By | November 7, 2019

Watch our president when he speaks, and try to imagine him speaking in front of a mirror. Much of his vitriol directed against others is an exact description of himself. Paradoxical to say the least, but a reflection of his underlying psychology illness. It’s called projection and it’s a part of many psychological disturbances. To… Read More »

Thoughts for Our Time

By | November 4, 2019

Nancy do it right and educate everyone on the LAWS that we live by, and most of need to know better.Democrats don’t get too liberal, uniting the nation requires an acceptance that many of us are not as liberal as many of the Democratic candidates. The beliefs of these Americans deserves our respect, and need… Read More »

Are Republicans Patriots?

By | October 31, 2019

We will see. But if they choose to side with a draft evading psychologically ill president , over a group of proud and venerable American patriots, who have endeavored to keep us safe, we the citizenry must step up and not let that stand. Our country may need us to act as patriots too. Hopefully,… Read More »