Category Archives: Uncategorized

Donald Trump the Devil’s Advocate

By | October 9, 2019

We all need to fear our President. Even our Founding Fathers, in all their infinite wisdom, never envisioned our country becoming so overtaken by a psychologically impaired President who would then benefit from a multitude of self serving unforeseen circumstances of historic proportion. And this agent of evil is just the perfect type of person… Read More »

Change Should Aways be For The Good

By | October 1, 2019

Donald Trump promised to get us out of the swamp, but in doing so threw us into a cesspool. He put us on the wrong path. Terms like swamp and cesspool describe our self serving politicians who put their own good above that of the peoples. They are suppose to protect and represent us. What… Read More »

Two Wrongs do not make a Right

By | September 4, 2019

This old truism which seems to have been forgotten may be restated as two wrongs are both wrong, will always be wrong, and will never make a right. No one can justify or accept bad actions or behavior by a second bad action or behavior. We all get desensitized by all this bad behavior, but… Read More »

Our Southern Neighbors

By | September 3, 2019

We from Physician forum have made a contribution to the recovery efforts in the Bahamas. We urge all of our members, and everyone to give whatever they can to the people of the Bahamas. The island appears to have helped save the US mainland from much more serious hurricane related damage. They need our help.

Glad to be Back!

By | August 21, 2019

Hello to all the followers of and contributors to Physician Forum.  So happy to be back online!  Technical difficulties downed the site around 6 months ago.  Thankfully my old friend Peter reactivated the site a few days ago.  We are very thankful to have Peter. Obviously much has happened during this time.  In the world… Read More »

“Our Difficult Personalities”

By | January 22, 2019

“Our Difficult Personalities” represents a combination of our medical notes with the syllabus entitled “Understanding Character Flaws: Navigating Challenging Relationships with People at Home and at Work and authored by Joseph Shannon, PhD. Dr. Shannon. He is a practicing psychologist in Ohio who has special interest and knowledge in this area of psychology. He has… Read More »

The Best of Governing

By | January 22, 2019

There is a best way to do everything.  Best in the sense that it finds itself in balance with the laws of nature. Getting to this can be hard, but it is always there. Here is to finding the best way out of our current political situation and finally coming to terms with immigration. It… Read More »

The Goldwater Rule (Updated)

By | July 12, 2018

Consider the following, think about it, and share it: For those of us unaware of this rule, it states that it is “unethical” for members of the psychiatric community to publicly comment on the psychiatric health of public individuals, of whom they did not personally interview. So, it explains why the Medical, and, Psychiatric communities… Read More »