Our Part In Ukraine

By | March 7, 2022

We all need to do our part for Ukraine, Europe, ourselves, and the world.

During the depression of 1929, here in America, people were forced to live with much less. The socioeconomic safety nets came out of those years, and subsequently protected those of us who needed it. And, although there is disagreement on how it was done, it was devised to protect those of us who truly needed it for survival. Now, our standard of living, although disparate, is better than those days, but has moved our collective consciousness mostly away from “survival” mode.

To support our Ukrainian comrades we can respond in a simple and basic way.

CONSERVATIVE ENERGY. The cost of energy is going to rise to insane levels, so use it judiciously. Spring, and warmer weather is coming, so heating our homes will lessen soon. Turn off everything consuming energy that you do not need. All of us can do our small part and not waste. Collectively the benefit is huge. When things get better over there, let’s make sure prices go back to prior levels, which were rising even before the invasion.

This is our part, our “buy in”, and then we have the “skin in the game” to demand that appropriate, and fair pricing returns. Sort of the same rationale applicable to voting. And, if we become more energy aware, that’s a win win. “Waste not want not”.

Peace, and stay safe.

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