All The Thanks To The Election Poll Workers!!

By | November 16, 2022

Where Did They Find Them? The Election Process, Still Finishing Up, Seems To Have Reaffirmed The Confidence Of The American People In The Vote. All The Thanks To Them, And The Voters, For At Least A Reprieve From All The Madness! Hopefully All The Domestic, And International Issues Will Continue To Improve, And With Reasonable Governmental Actions Get The Madness Back To A Much More Manageable, And Controllable Level. Because It Is Always There To Some Degree, And We Must Always Be Aware Of That To Avoid Its Dangerous Consequences. Our Forefathers Were Totally Aware Of That, And Would Be Happy That The People Spoke. Now The Legal System Must Do Its Job, And Show The Same Courage As Our Poll Workers. To Do Any Less Would Be Unacceptable. Peace And Stay Safe.

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