We All Start Out As Children

By | December 12, 2019

We All Start Out As Children

One of president Trump’s 40 odd tweets in one hour this morning advised Time’s front page person of the year, Greta Thunberg, actually to “chill Greta chill”.
Perhaps the president should take his own advise (mirror man). How frenetic must one be to be able or need to send out that many messages in such short time?
One of the critiques made of him by his supporters from the beginning of his presidency was “ I wish he would just stop that darn tweeting”. Many even went as far as to question why he did it in the first place.
Of note his and his wife’s responses were directed to a 16 year old girl with a form of mild developmental disorder. But that’s ok?  Apparently our president’s feeling were hurt because his picture was not on Time’s front page.
Is this behavioral of a grown man, or a person who’s development was arrested at a younger age by his inner emotional turmoil?
We should all respect the privacy and protection of our youth. Has anyone ever come up with a maximum age for that, because apparently it was not adhered to for Donald in his youth.
And for that we should all be sad! 

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