Full Disclosure Under Oath

By | January 16, 2020

Full Disclosure Under Oath

Americans deserve full disclosure under oath of all testimony of all participants of the Ukraine matter.
This begins with Bolton, Mulvaney, and Parnas.
And, since Impeachment is a political event, not a legal one, why not have the Bidens testify.
In this way everyone gets all the information, and there is a sense of equality. As a Biden supporter, I hope he comes out unscathed, but politically he  and his son are part of the turmoil and the full story needs to be told. Playing favorites has only gotten us more divided and entrenched on our respective sides.

Americans are sick and tired of cover ups, and lies, and we have seen our share. No one is above the law. Have the guts to give us all the information so we can make up our own minds. After all this may be our last shot at maintaining, at least for now, our democracy.

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