Where is Fauci MD? Why has Alex Azar Not Been “Fired”?

By | April 26, 2020

Azar continues on as Secretary of HHS(Health and Human Services), and despite his impressive education at Yale and Harvard, I wonder how this man can sleep at night?
Azar succeeded in preventing President Trump from learning about the ineffective CDC Corona Virus test for one month, apparently to save face and look good to the President.

Fauci’s absence is to be expected because he always speaks the truth, and provides the best medical advice even when  it contradicts the President.

Also, it is infantile for anyone in a position of authority to “think out load” publicly with a mind of a child. Reminds me of my attempt to dig a hole to China when I was ten years old. Learned from it though as I sat in a big hole in the ground.

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