Mr. Speaker Paul D. Ryan

By | June 7, 2018

Thank you for finding your voice, keep it up. Whatever your motivation, you know that in our great nation, truth will prevail. This is not your beloved Republican party.

Wake Up America

By | June 4, 2018

So if many Americans, including Republicans and Democrats, fear our country is going the way of other great empires, what would it be like to live through such a decline?  Probably two coexisting fundamentals would be present. An autocratic leader who consolidates power and truly believes they are above the law. An ambivalent, docile populous… Read More »

“Always Protect the Children”

By | June 1, 2018

“Always Protect the Children” The recent episodes of teenage violence at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida, and Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe Texas, has reignited the debate over gun violence, and how to best protect our children. As the debate continues, an opportunity exists to examine both what is… Read More »

Ronny Jackson, M.D.

By | April 26, 2018

Shame on you Dr. Jackson . You make all of the clinicians in this country look bad by your actions. All of us knew that something was awry when you reported the stellar health of our president. No one in our profession would describe a person’s health in that fashion. We all knew it then,… Read More »

“Open Mindedness, Can We Communicate Better? “

By | August 31, 2017

I refer to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine 7/17/17. “The March of Science-The True Story”, as a possible explanation to the current political division in our country. The article deals with qualities of human nature whereby there exists in us “The impulse to believe what we want to believe”. Three hundred… Read More »

Enough is Enough

By | August 17, 2017

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country. Two unpleasant truths about our president need to be accepted The president is not competent nor capable to hold the office of this great nation The president is psychologically ill and therefore a danger to himself, his family, the… Read More »

John McCain

By | August 2, 2017

Physician Forum congratulates the Honorable Senator John McCain. Now is the time for a collective approach to solving our country’s healthcare problems.  This should include the participation of the respected leaders of our healthcare community. The best solution will come by understanding the practice of medicine.


By | May 12, 2017

Physician Forum salutes former FBI Director James Comey.  He did it his way, overstepped his boundaries, but had integrity.  This will help shape his legacy.