Category Archives: Uncategorized

Full Disclosure Under Oath

By | January 16, 2020

Full Disclosure Under Oath Americans deserve full disclosure under oath of all testimony of all participants of the Ukraine matter.This begins with Bolton, Mulvaney, and Parnas.And, since Impeachment is a political event, not a legal one, why not have the Bidens testify.In this way everyone gets all the information, and there is a sense of… Read More »

Major League Cheating

By | January 16, 2020

Major League Cheating Alex Cora has been released as manager of the Boston Red Sox baseball team for cheating. Apparently he took advantage of an elaborate system of stealing signs from other teams. And rather than trying to justify his actions by claiming everyone else did the same thing, management correctly let him go. They… Read More »


By | January 11, 2020

Michael Bloomberg Good for You! Willing to Spend Your Own Fortune for Our Country Even if you do not secure the nomination, you put country above ego. You deserve our praise and thanks.Other billionaires could do the same to rid us of a would-be billionaire. How ironic. But you appreciate so well that Trump is… Read More »

The Goldwater Rule Continues to Stifle Public Awareness of Trump’s Psychiatric Diagnosis of Malignant Narcissism

By | January 7, 2020

With the ongoing impeachment process awaiting the Senate’s receipt of the Articles from the House, and the continuing release of more pertinent information to the public by the press, the opportunity exists to review additional salient, and clarifying points. There is a universal consensus of opinion within the medical community that our president is a… Read More »

Autonomy not Autocracy

By | January 4, 2020

Autonomy is defined by -self-governance (including democracy)Individuals are self-directed, able and should act by their own free choice.-actions motivated by morality, not by desire (Kant) Autocracies concentrate supreme and absolute power to one individual, or a small group of rich and or powerful individuals, without regard to other’s opinions, wishes, or their involvement or partaking… Read More »

Smoke Screen?

By | January 3, 2020

The assassination of Iranian General Soleimani in Iraq comes at a very unique time for our country . Whatever truly motivated this action,  let’s hope our government has thought out the ramifications of it. The questions are why now, for what gain, and do law abiding nations have the ethical and moral authority to assassinate… Read More »