Category Archives: Political

Crowd Size

By | June 14, 2018

Congratulations to the Washington Capitals for winning their first Stanley Cup.  The event provided an in-direct measure of crowd size in our nation’s capital, allowing for comparison with other large crowds attending events of interest there. The measure reported was “passenger trips” taken on the city’s subway system (the Metro) on those particular days. 612,000-… Read More »

Of Honorable Mention

By | June 14, 2018

Today is the one year anniversary of the senseless gun violence that severely injured Congressman Steve Scalise, and three other innocent individuals, as they practiced for the annual bipartisan congressional baseball game.  Happily, Mr. Scalise, who almost died of his injuries, has recovered quite well, although still sports a cane.  Fortunately the three others were… Read More »

“Deal” With It!

By | June 14, 2018

Donald Trump is not ignorant, he is psychologically ill.This makes him dangerous, as he plays to the ignorance of the American people. This is not theory, it is medical fact that is well accepted in the Medical community. We must all understand this and “deal with”.  For those interested in factual information, here is article that… Read More »

Enough Shame to Spread Around, and a Breath of Fresh Air

By | June 11, 2018

Mr. McConnell, Please explain to us what you mean by “conservative values” and the relative importance by which you rate them. Mr. De Niro, Robert, Robert, Robert, shame on you. Your antics are no better than those you criticize. Unity, not divisiveness. Please apologize. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students, Congratulations, great song, great message!  … Read More »

Wake Up America

By | June 4, 2018

So if many Americans, including Republicans and Democrats, fear our country is going the way of other great empires, what would it be like to live through such a decline?  Probably two coexisting fundamentals would be present. An autocratic leader who consolidates power and truly believes they are above the law. An ambivalent, docile populous… Read More »

“Always Protect the Children”

By | June 1, 2018

“Always Protect the Children” The recent episodes of teenage violence at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida, and Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe Texas, has reignited the debate over gun violence, and how to best protect our children. As the debate continues, an opportunity exists to examine both what is… Read More »