Post-Trump World Order.

By | March 16, 2022

The events of the past 6 or so years, punctuated by our ex-president’s infamous escalator ride down Trump Tower to announce his presidency, and now Putin’s ruthless invasion of Ukraine, have been extraordinary. Currently, and thankfully so far , we have all been fortunate to have sane, and experienced leadership here, and in Europe. There is even reason to believe that China, embroiled in its own domestic problems, may gravitate toward the West, and away from Russia.

We all have our own beliefs, and positions. But, as the current world events play out, I believe we need to support our friends, and allies, as well as bring all criminals to justice, beginning with Putin, and Trump.

History shows that there have always been those here in the U.S. that question why we get involved in international issues, including this one. They claim that we have our own issues here that “need to be fixed first”. And, although I totally agree we must “ clean up our own act here,” world issues do matter, both for global order, and for the prevention of human carnage perpetuated by murderous individuals, and nations on any and all humans of all color, and origin.

Russia’s disgusting display of barbarism is easy to see, and apparently very surprising to our former president, and his sycophants. Their ongoing support of Putin, by rationalizing, and justifying his actions, further defines them by taking it to a new disgusting level. Compare and contrast this with the claim made by Trump that he could get away with shooting someone in midtown Manhattan and get away with it. Probably true, and what would stop him from shooting anyone else he wants?

World events are reshaping old concepts, and alliances. But, rule of law and order, including a strong NATO alliance, appear to be enduring, and thriving. Really very nice to see after all the demoralizing events of the past six or so years.

Hopefully, and ultimately, the events in Ukraine will be settled by the Ukrainians, and the attack on our own democracy here in America settled by America’s electoral system.

Peace and stay safe.

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