There Is A Famous Saying That “Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It“.

By | March 17, 2022

But, apparently it is not quite as simple as that, as most things are not. Whether we learn from history or not, we often repeat our mistakes anyway.

We are currently witnessing history in Europe that most of us elders in America never imagined we would see in our lifetime. However, perhaps history has taught Western leaders how best to avoid the extension of the conflict into other lands, and the use of nuclear weapons. Hopefully, our leadership will ultimately have success in these endeavors. The image of the nuclear mushroom cloud is indelibly edged in many of our minds.

The current Ukrainian invasion can not only teach us of the valor, strength, and defiance of a nation to fight for its independence, but the inhumane behavior of a dictator to prevent it. Both are powerful human emotions that define the extremes of the human psyche.

The current behavior of the Russian dictator, and the image of him sitting smugly beside our twice impeached president on the stage at Helsinki several years ago, will hopefully teach enough of us of the dangers of ultimate power in the hands of madmen.

The free world must support the Ukrainians in their battle against pure evil. America has its own electoral “battles” which lay ahead in our fight against evil. History has taught us enough to know that both of these “battles” must be won. “Never Forget”.

Peace, and stay safe.

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