Russia’s War Crimes Demand Total Economic Sanctions Against Them, Including Totally Limiting All Monies Flowing From The Oligarchs, And Closing The Spigot Of Russian Oil And Gas As Much As Possible. A Response Based Only On Pursuing War Crimes Is Not Only Weak, But Is B.S., And The Same Anemic Academic Response That Got Us Into This Position With A Tyrant Over The Last Two Decades. If The “Free” World Truly Differs From Totalitarian States, Then The Protection Of All Innocent Lives Really Does Need To Be The Priority. Currently Putin Is Getting Around Our Sanctions With A Steady Flow Of Cash From These, And Other Sources. Be Bold, Be Brave And Choke Off The Lifelines From The Monster. President Biden, Everyone Is Watching, Showing Strength Now In This Way Just Might Get The Bounce You Need In Your Favorability Rating In This Country That You Have Not Yet Seen. And, It Is The Only Best Response To Russia’s Barbarism. If We Have Learned Anything From Our Own Domestic Politics Of The Past Several Years, Take A Bold Stand, Take It To The American People, And Have The Guts To Be Consistent In Your Message! Otherwise You Look Weak, Like Any Other Politician, Which You Are Not. Peace And Stay Safe.

By | April 5, 2022

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